Cocina De Autor menù, Playa del Carmen
Cocina De Autor Playa del Carmen - Menu
Foie on the Cop
Foie + Corn + Green Tomato
Yellowtail in Deep Green
Yellowtail + Apple + Stems
Snails on the Soil
Snails + Potatoes + Vegetal Soil
Squid Black Pudding
Squid + Corn truffle + Black Recado
Rocky Fish
Catch of the day + Seaweed + Truffle + Black Olives
Figs + Strawberry + Peanuts
Dabbling Duck
Duck + Blueberry
Chestnut Veal
Veal + Chestnut + Bonemarrow
Sherry + Fenugreek + Coconut
Seaweed Honey and Berries
Nori Seaweed + Raspberry + Honey
Foie Milpero
Foie + Maiz + Tomate Verde
Jurel Verde Profundo
Jurel + Tallos + Manzana
Caracol Terrestre
Caracoles + Papa + Tierra Vegetal
Morcilla Marina
Calamar + Huitlacoche + Recado Negro
Pesca de Roca
Pesca del Dia +Algas + Trufa + Aceituna Negra
Higos + Fresa + Cacahuates
Pato de Granja
Pato + Mora Azul
Ternera Castanera
Ternera + Castanas + Tuetano
Jerez + Fenogreco + Coco
Miel, Algas y Mora
Miel de Abeja + Nori + Frambuesa